Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Forcing Change

For years I bled upon the page
The essence of my fear and rage,
Interspersed with joy and glee,
Wisdom, awe, and mystery.

Another venue held these words,
But now they're gone, like frightened birds;
To find them missing felt so strange,
And now I have to make a change.

Somehow I have to stand, regroup,
And chase the words that flew the coop
All because some nincompoop
Cut the bloggers from the loop.


  1. It's so unfortunate that they did what they did in the way that they did it. I really did expect that they would at least give some notice or advance warning. I love the way you have expressed it here and I so very much hope that you'll be able to track down your pieces. And I'm so glad we are able to connect here. While I had so very much avoided Facebook, I do have a Facebook page and am actually glad to be able to reconnect with friends who had left MS earlier and never did return. I'm there under my name and very easy to find if you have a page over there as well. (((HUGS)))

  2. Tanks, Barbara...I know Rose is at Wordpress ( and I do have a FB account I have to do some searching, I guess, to find others. I got a Wordpress account, too, so I can comment on Rose's works, but I guess I could've commented with my FB account. These sites are a little confusing to navigate.

  3. Thanks to you, Sandra, for the first time since the demise, I can smile about the situation. You have such a unique perspective, and spin it, oh so well.

  4. Oh, and would you please disarm your captcha?
    I am not a robot. I promise.

  5. Sandra, are you still around???? I miss you. Just wanted to let you know I haveat long last written a new episode of Warriors of the Way!!!!
